Friday, April 17, 2020

Baileywick & Sir Bartleby (BMC)

These two gentlemen are attendants for King Roland and Queen Miranda (previously featured on

The gentleman in the greyish-blue coat is Sir Bartleby.  His duties include commanding of one of King Roland's companies of guards. Though he earned his knighthood, it is likely that he is a knight baronet (and so his knighthood is hereditary).  This is an important point, as he is related to the royal family by marriage.  He wears five medals on his coat, which is also decorated with a golden chain lace piping on the hems and cuffs.

The other gentleman is Baileywick the castle steward.  In addition to overseeing all activities within the castle premises, he acts as an unofficial advisor to King Roland.  He will also defend the royal family if it becomes necessary.  He carries a pocket watch and is busy consulting it though his pair of silver spectacles.  Both Baileywick and Sir Bartleby tie their cravats in the old-fashioned (c. 1730s) style, with large bows.

King Roland II, Queen Miranda, Baileywick the steward, and Sir Bartleby are deep in consultation.

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