Meet two bad sidekick dudes employed by Charles Kemp of the East India Company. Mr. Kemp features as the villain in the movie Beyond the Mask. Often he is escorted by these black-and-gray clad enforcers.
Some experts believe that their distinctive coats are the results of overdyeing red British army coats, then reattaching the linings and facings. It is certain, however, that this is an extremely distinctive uniform. Their unique grey facings could have earned them the nickname "Kemp's Greys."
I currently have two privates and one officer of Kemp's Greys, as well as Kemp's bodyguard Basil in his uniform of this unit. The officer, Basil, and the tall private are all Ideal recasts. The shorter private is a BMC British grenadier.
The soldiers comb the terrain to find Will Reynolds (supposedly killed in action at
" 'E was killed right near 'ere, Bill."
"Then why can't we find 'is body?"
"Keep searching."
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