Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mr. Richard Harrison

This figure is painted up as Richard Harrison, a local Loyalist leader who appears in the Christian movie Beyond the MaskBeyond the Mask is set in the world of the 1770s as tumult and war erupt in Great Britain’s North American colonies.  Mr. Harrison has no love for the rebels and recruits his friends to harass them and keep Philadelphia loyal to King George III.  This figure recreates one of his outfits.  To learn more about the movie, visit www.BeyondTheMaskMovie.com

The figure on the left is the original pose that eventually
became Mr. Harrison

The original figure was made by Accurate as a militiaman standing firing musket and required heavy conversion to become Mr. Harrison.  First I cut his musket away, then cut and repositioned his arm that was originally pulling the musket’s trigger.  I bent his other arm down by holding it under hot water and bending it until it had reached the desired pose.  Then I added a pistol from another Accurate figure and with a little sculpting (including adding a pair of boots), the figure was complete.

This outfit is worn by Mr. Richard Harrison when he is confronted by the rebel vigilante William Reynolds.  It consists of a matching set of tan waistcoat and breeches with a grey overcoat worn on top.  He carries a pistol in several scenes.  The original figure wore the cartridge box and powder horn and I left them so that Mr. Harrison can reload his pistol.  His hair was interesting and enjoyable to paint because it is sandy with streaks of grey.

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